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Search results for 'Polyclonal ,Polyclonal ,Polyclonal ,Polyclonal ,Po'

< 1 > 4 Results

MAbsorbent® A2P HF Pre-packed Columns are an essential tool for polyclonal antibody capture. Easy-to-use and perfectly suited to single-use applications, these small-scale columns are compatible with automated systems or manual operations, making them a versatile choice for screening and process development. Available individually or in packs of 4.
MAbsorbent® A2P HF LL Pre-packed Columns are an essential tool for polyclonal antibody capture. Easy-to-use and perfectly suited to single-use applications, these small-scale columns are compatible with automated systems or manual operations, making them a versatile choice for screening and process development. Available individually or in packs of 4.
Designed for the enrichment of a wide variety of human and mammalian polyclonal antibodies
Affinity adsorbent designed for the enrichment of IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin) from plasma

< 1 > 4 Results

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