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Search results for 'HIC - Octyl,HIC - Octyl,HIC - Octyl,HIC - Octyl,HI'

< 1 2 > 13 Results

Refine your biomolecule purification with our HIC Selection Kit, containing pre-packed columns for Butyl, Hexyl, Octyl, and Phenyl PuraBead® HF. Ideal for nuanced process development, compatible with all standard systems, and reusable with specific protocols for high efficiency.
Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography adsorbent with Octyl ligand
Ion Exchange (IEX) chromatography adsorbent with weak anion DEAE ligand
Mix and match any four resins from our 5 mL range.
Mix and match any four resins from our 1 mL range.
Ion Exchange (IEX) chromatography adsorbent with weak cation CM ligand
Octyl PuraBead® HF Pre-packed Columns are an essential tool for effective contaminant removal. Easy-to-use and perfectly suited to single-use applications, these small-scale columns are compatible with automated systems or manual operations, making them a versatile choice for screening and process development. Available individually or in packs of 4.
Highly efficient miniaturized chromatography columns designed for rapid process development and high-throughput screening. Ready-to-use and pre-packed with Octyl PuraBead® HF resin, these columns are perfectly suited for automated liquid handling systems, ensuring convenience and precision.
Ion Exchange (IEX) chromatography adsorbent with strong cation SP ligand
Ion Exchange (IEX) chromatography adsorbent with strong anion Q ligand
Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography adsorbent with Butyl ligand
Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography adsorbent with Hexyl ligand

< 1 2 > 13 Results

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